Nikola Brabcová invites you to the open artist's studio Water Lily Tea. The Water Lily Tea in GAMPA will be open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5pm to 7pm, June 7–30, 2022. The studio emphasizes the experience and the artistic process. Self-creation becomes therapy and treatment, alleviates anxieties, opens the way to change stereotypes, expands one's own possibilities, harmonizes. Come to see, experiment for a while or visit it more often. Alone, with you children or with friends.
WHEN: June 7–30, 2022; every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5pm to 7pm
WHERE: GAMPA, Příhrádek 5, Pardubice
Nikola Brabcová (*1987) studied at the Painting 2 studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. Her work involves layering paintings and creating installations for which the relationships between the individual subjects are more important than the artefacts themselves. The motifs on these paintings are usually shapes arising from nature, which fall apart into abstract forms and new situations. Her most recent works involve soil and other natural materials. Another thread in her recent projects is the creation of join structures and collaborations. She is involved in projects including Prototyp, a platform for artistic and curatorial collaboration in contemporary art mostly focusing on the creative process, mapping it, living it, and transforming through it, and Artyč, for whom she creates her own videos on environmental themes as well as profiles of curators. She lives and works in Prague.