The artist Lucie Králíková planned the journey through the Eagle Mountains not only as a journey through the landscape at the border of our country, but at the same time she perceives it as an opportunity to honor places, nature and regions that are seemingly on the fringes of the attention and interest of the general public. The pilgrimage will be a tribute to the "edge" of the country, to people who once had to leave their homes and to those living here outside the big centers. At least for a while and symbolically, they will try to revive the often forgotten and slowly decaying church buildings, to which believers and pilgrims used to go.
Lanškroun – Dolní Čermná – Nekoř – Pastviny – Kunvald – Bartošovice – Zdobnice – Deštné v Orlických horách
If you want to join for a part of the journey, or even the entire pilgrimage, please contact us, we will be happy to provide you with further information.
Contact: Šárka Zahálková,, +420 732 436 722.