February 2025
Calendar | GAMPA
27 28 29 30 31
1 2

Film Thursday: You Will Never See It All (2023) & A guided tour through Glare, and then everything stayed the same (2021)
› Thu 8/8/2024 20:30

+ Program

The first of a series of documentary evenings dedicated to personalities of the contemporary Czech art scene, the theme of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award and its laureates. 

You Will Never See It All (Chybění): Conceptual visual artist Ján Mančuška died in 2011. However, in his short 39 years of existence, he managed to create a number of remarkable works, many of which have been exhibited in renowned galleries around the world – including the Centre Pompidou in Paris and MoMA in New York. In his homeland, however, his work reflecting everyday life, social reality or the meaning of language has never achieved comparable fame. Together with the children of an artist who was not afraid to confront the public with the question of the meaning of art, the director embarks on a journey that aims not only to get closer to Mančuška, but also to reveal him in hitherto unrecognised shades, thus filling in the gaps that are increasingly appearing in the context of the fading memory of his personality.

A guided tour through Glare, and then everything stayed the same: This short vertical video presents the library of the Broumov monastery, combining documentary elements with 3D animation and synthetic commentary with a tinge of music. The internal directorial dialogue reflects Kohout’s own works of art exhibited as part of the Ora et lege project, which related contemporary art to the culture and teachings of the Benedictines.

You Will Never See It All (Chybění), 2023, 80 min., director: Štěpán Pech
short movie: A guided tour through Glare, and then everything stayed the same, 2021, 7 min, author: Martins Kohout



* Účastí na programu souhlasíte s pořízením a zveřejněním vašich fotografií za účelem dokumentace, propagační činnosti a prezentace na veřejnosti, v tisku, na webových stránkách a sociálních sítích GAMPY po celou dobu její existence.

Accompanying program

+ Accompanying program

Big Golden Eyes – 35 years of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award

Big Golden Eyes – 35 years of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award
› Sat 29/6/2024 15:00

GAMPA | vernissage | Error is not a Mistake

We cordially invite you to the opening of the new exhibition. The opening will take place on Saturday, June 29, 2024 from 3pm in GAMPA in the Automatic Mills in Pardubice. We look forward to you!

Guided tour through the exhibition

Guided tour through the exhibition
› Thu 25/7/2024 18:00

GAMPA | projekt chyba není omyl

Guided tour through the exhibition Big Golden Eyes. Seven new artworks on the boundaries of archival work and the mapping of institutional history present – both humorously and seriously – the milestones, rises and falls, unexpected twists, turns and slips, as well as the unusual continuity of one of the most frequently discussed events on the Czech art scenes – the Jindřich Chalupecký Award.

Guided tour through the exhibition

Guided tour through the exhibition
› Thu 8/8/2024 19:00

GAMPA | projekt chyba není omyl

Guided tour through the exhibition Big Golden Eyes. The guided tour will be followed by a documentary film screening.

Film Thursday: You Will Never See It All (2023) & A guided tour through Glare, and then everything stayed the same (2021)

Film Thursday: You Will Never See It All (2023) & A guided tour through Glare, and then everything stayed the same (2021)
› Thu 8/8/2024 20:30

GAMPA | projekce | projekt chyba není omyl

The first of a series of documentary evenings dedicated to personalities of the contemporary Czech art scene, the theme of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award and its laureates. 

Guided tour through the exhibition

Guided tour through the exhibition
› Thu 22/8/2024 19:00

GAMPA | projekt chyba není omyl

Guided tour through the exhibition Big Golden Eyes. The guided tour will be followed by a documentary film screening.

Film Thursday: Finalists (2015)

Film Thursday: Finalists (2015)
› Thu 22/8/2024 20:30

GAMPA | projekce | projekt chyba není omyl

Another from a series of documentary evenings dedicated to personalities of the contemporary Czech art scene, the topic of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award and its laureates. 

Tereza Ondrová: Sólo pro galerii • 42+PEOPLE: Where • TANEC PRAHA 2024
› Thu 6/6/2024 19:00

Divadlo 29 | GAMPA | Tanec Praha

Nová taneční kresba Terezy Ondrové & oslava mezigeneračního dialogu tanečníků v projektu souboru 420PEOPLE, za který Helena Arenbergerová získala Cenu Thálie 2023.