In between exhibitions, GAMPA becomes, among other things, a refuge for short-term art projects and performances. The creative meeting of two improvisers with two very different approaches to live electronic music is one such temporary intervention. Petr Vrba is a tireless explorer of non-idiomatic improvisation using trumpets, clarinets, synthesizers, DIY electronics or vibrating speakers. Mathieu Chamagne develops interactive devices, explores and questions the meaning and role of the musical space in the interpretation of electronic music, blurring the boundaries between composition, interpretation and improvisation. His interactive installation Apertures, which he will bring with him to Pardubice, is both an object and a non-haptic sound instrument working with gestures. Their approaches, instruments and the gallery space meet in this unique performance.
Mathieu Chamagne
After piano studies he gradually moved towards improvised music, while developing an instrument combining analogue and digital synthesizers, pre-prepared sound objects, and computer tools developed in Max software. He has a passion for electroacoustic music and sound arts, and has been teaching piano and computer music since 1994.
Petr Vrba
Among others Petr Vrba is founder of Prague Improvisation Orchestra, electronical audiovisual ensemble LyrArkestra+ dedicated to interpretation of graphic scores and many bands. His discography counts over 40 albums on labels like Another Timbre, Inexhaustible Editions, Circum-disc, Tour de bras and many others. He is author of several acousmatic pieces commissioned by Czech Radio and music for short movies (like well received Daughter).
Admission: 150 CZK
The performance is realized with the financial support of the EEA Funds/Norwegian Funds, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the statutory city of Pardubice.