February 2025
Calendar | GAMPA
27 28 29 30 31
1 2

GG & GAMPA opening | Postprism | Inside | CZ2: Visions for the Future
› Sat 20/4/2024 15:00

+ Program

Opening ceremony of the exhibitions CZ2: Vision for the Future (GAMPA), Postprizma (GG) and the project Inside (GG).


  • 15:00 | GAMPA | amphitheater | Vernissage & František Lozinski o.p.s. / performance & presentation of opening exhibitions in a moderated discussion 
  • 16:00-18:00 | GG & GAMPA | About people (GG) & The future of my landscape (GAMPA) / open workshop for children and their parents
  • 16:30 | GG | box office | GG Inside / presentation of artistic intervention
  • 17:00 | GG | 4th floor | Postprism / guided tour through the exhibition
  • 18:00 | GAMPA | CZ2: Visions for the Future / guided tour through the exhibition
  • 19:00 | GAMPA | Wilf Amis (UK/NL) & Martin Hurych (CZ/NL) / audio performance
  • 19:30 | GG | terrace (6th floor) | DJ HECH / after party


The exhibition CZ2: Visions for the Future is the culmination of an extraordinary project in which more than 150 foreign students from the faculties of architecture from FA ČVUT Praha, TU Delft, TU Liberec, VUT Brno and ARCHIP participated in 2022-2023. The project is not only an author's exhibition, it is also a form of manifesto and a call to a discussion platform. Through it, we open a critical dialogue towards architects, urban planners, creators of urban visions and ask how to transcend our egos and think differently about architecture and public space in times of climatic, social, political and other turbulent changes.

Gočár Gallery

The Postprism exhibition is a showcase of current artistic expression, as well as of art works that possess the urgency of an artistic statement anchored deeper in time. The viewer can get acquainted with the creative work of artists from the Central European region, which has appeared on the art scene in recent decades.

GG Inside will transform the entrance spaces of the gallery during significant exhibitions. The experience of a closer encounter with one solitary work is intended to shift the meanings of the terms "inside" and "outside".

We thank for the finacial support: Ministry of Culture ČR, Pardubice region, Pardubice, Polish Institute
Media partners: Artalk.cz, Artikl, Artmap, Artyčok.tv, FlashArt, České galerie, Čro Pardubice
Collaboration: PdF OU, FU OU, GDM Contemporary, ARCHIP, BK TU Delft, FA ČVUT, FAA TUL, FA VUT

Photos from events

Accompanying program

+ Accompanying program

GG & GAMPA opening | Postprism | Inside | CZ2: Visions for the Future

GG & GAMPA opening | Postprism | Inside | CZ2: Visions for the Future
› Sat 20/4/2024 15:00

GAMPA | vernissage | Error is not a Mistake

Opening ceremony of the exhibitions CZ2: Vision for the Future (GAMPA), Postprizma (GG) and the project Inside (GG).

Family Wednesday

Family Wednesday
› Wed 1/5/2024 10:00

GAMPA | workshop | Error is not a Mistake

Open workshop for children and their parents or grandparents. A space to meet, have fun, and learn.

Guided tour through the exhibition CZ2

Guided tour through the exhibition CZ2
› Thu 2/5/2024 18:00

GAMPA | guided tour | Error is not a Mistake

Guided tour through the exhibition CZ2 – through the map of ideas, concepts, and dreams about the future(s) that may emerge from the Czech landscape.

Senior Friday

Senior Friday
› Fri 3/5/2024 10:00

GAMPA | workshop | Error is not a Mistake

Workshop for creative elderlies. Our motto is: age is just a number.

Creative Sunday

Creative Sunday
› Sun 5/5/2024 15:00

GAMPA | workshop | Error is not a Mistake

A weekend workshop (not only) for children, but also for their parents and other adults who are not afraid to explore the corners and possibilities of contemporary art and themselves.

Fair Trade Breakfast

Fair Trade Breakfast
› Sat 11/5/2024 10:00

GAMPA | Error is not a Mistake

Join the communal fair trade breakfast, bring what your home or garden has given, taste the delicacies from neighbors. For the 13th year in a row, fair traid breakfast is being organized throughout the Czech Republic to support fair rewards for growers worldwide.


Talk about architecture: Anna Beata Háblová a Filip Landa

Talk about architecture: Anna Beata Háblová a Filip Landa
› Tue 14/5/2024 18:00

GAMPA | lecture | Error is not a Mistake | Offcity

The OFFCITY ARCHITECTS series welcome guests, whose perspectives and experiences related to the given topic may vary greatly. The first guest will be architect, theorist, and poet Anna Beata Háblová. Her sensitive reflections breathe life into the inanimate matter of architecture and bring its essence closer to a broad audience. Filip Landa, the second guest, ia also an architect, publicist, and traveler. After years of collaboration with the professional magazine ERA21, he became its editor-in-chief. 

Family Wednesday

Family Wednesday
› Wed 15/5/2024 10:00

GAMPA | workshop | Error is not a Mistake

Open workshop for children and their parents or grandparents. A space to meet, have fun, and learn.

Guided tour through the exhibition CZ2

Guided tour through the exhibition CZ2
› Thu 16/5/2024 18:00

GAMPA | guided tour | Error is not a Mistake

Guided tour through the exhibition CZ2 – through the map of ideas, concepts, and dreams about the future(s) that may emerge from the Czech landscape.

Senior Friday

Senior Friday
› Fri 17/5/2024 10:00

GAMPA | workshop | Error is not a Mistake

Workshop for creative elderlies. Our motto is: age is just a number.

Pardubice Museum Night 2024

Pardubice Museum Night 2024
› Fri 17/5/2024 17:00

GAMPA | festival | Error is not a Mistake

Come shine a light on the landscape of one of our possible futures. Together with other Pardubice institutions, GAMPA is traditionally involved in the Pardubice Museum Night, which is part of the Museum Nights Festival. Visit the gallery space transformed into a night landscape of the possible future of the Czech Republic, the exhibition CZ2: Vision for the Future.

Creative Sunday

Creative Sunday
› Sun 19/5/2024 15:00

GAMPA | workshop | Error is not a Mistake

A weekend workshop (not only) for children, but also for their parents and other adults who are not afraid to explore the corners and possibilities of contemporary art and themselves.

POSTPONED | Time's Up: The Error is not a Mistake / workshop

POSTPONED | Time's Up: The Error is not a Mistake / workshop
› Wed 22/5/2024 10:00

GAMPA | workshop | Error is not a Mistake

The workshop is postponed. The one day workshop with the Austrian collective Time's Up will facilitate participants to create imaginations of possible futures for the city, region and nation, developing humane, more than human and integrated visions and accommodations. It will build upon insights developed within and around the existing exhibition in the GAMPA gallery.

CZ2: Vision for the Future | debate

CZ2: Vision for the Future | debate
› Thu 23/5/2024 18:00

GAMPA | projekt chyba není omyl

Debate within the CZ2 platform focused on the vision of Pardubice and the nearby region. What ideas have managed to be collected during the duration of the exhibition? And how to work with them?

Family Wednesday

Family Wednesday
› Wed 29/5/2024 10:00

GAMPA | projekt chyba není omyl

Open workshop for children and their parents or grandparents. A space to meet, have fun, and learn.

Guided tour through the exhibition CZ2

Guided tour through the exhibition CZ2
› Thu 30/5/2024 18:00

GAMPA | guided tour | Error is not a Mistake

Guided tour through the exhibition CZ2 – through the map of ideas, concepts, and dreams about the future(s) that may emerge from the Czech landscape.

Senior Friday

Senior Friday
› Fri 31/5/2024 10:00

GAMPA | workshop | Error is not a Mistake

Workshop for creative elderlies. Our motto is: age is just a number.

Creative Sunday

Creative Sunday
› Sun 2/6/2024 15:00

GAMPA | workshop | Error is not a Mistake

A weekend workshop (not only) for children, but also for their parents and other adults who are not afraid to explore the corners and possibilities of contemporary art and themselves.

MMMM Saxophone Quartet (CZ/SK)
› Sun 2/6/2024 18:00

GAMPA | projekt chyba není omyl

MMMM is a new saxophone quartet founded by Slovakian saxophonist Michaela Turcerová and three leading Czech saxophone players active on the Czech and international jazz, experimental and improvisation scene. Their concert in GAMPA will respond to the unique acoustics of the gallery space and promises an unusual musical experience.